
Students Leading Innovation through Creative Technology.

Need Affordable Engineering Services? Have a New Idea? We Can Help!


Let’s Build Your Idea!

Our goal at SlicTec is to turn good ideas into successful products. Let’s develop your concept and make it a reality.

Our student engineers are backed by professional mentors to provide you with quality engineering at an affordable price.

Not developing a new product or invention? We provide engineering support too!


The Creative Process

There are four main stages of the creative process that we focus on here at SlicTec. We can help your idea progress through any or all of these steps. Contact us for more details.


Define It

The first step is to convey the vision of your idea. We will help you imagine how your idea will come to life by identifying which materials will be used, what manufacturing method will be most feasible, etc.


Design It

The second step is to design the product in CAD software and create professional engineering drawings with all the specifications a manufacturer will need to build your product.


Build It

The third step is to build a prototype using the drawings from the previous step. Interacting with the product will help us iterate the design and progress toward making a final product.


Refine It

We will refine the product until you are satisfied with the result. You will have everything you need to take your product into the market and build a successful business.


Let us help your idea evolve into a product.


Students, Mentors, and You

SlicTec was created to provide engineering opportunities for students and affordable engineering services to individuals and businesses.

Mentors help Students

To help the students confidently perform a variety of engineering services, SlicTec has gathered a unique group of professionals who act as mentors for each project. These mentors guide the students throughout each project’s timeline, making sure they accomplish their tasks correctly and in a timely manner.

Students help You

By having mentors back the students’ work, the students can be confident in their work, and you can be confident in using SlicTec for your engineering needs.

You help Students

By using SlicTec you are providing students with the opportunity to further develop the skills they need to become professionals themselves. This opportunity will help them gain the experience and knowledge they need to be successful.

Affordable Engineering

With students performing the majority of the labor, the overall cost of each project decreases, which provides an affordable resource of engineers and creators at your disposal.

Slic Ideas and New Concepts

Good Ideas come from Students, Mentors, and Yourself. These Ideas need the time, the know-how, and the resources to make it happen.


Your Idea

If you have an Idea, the SlicTec Student Engineers and Mentors have the time and know-how, and we can work together to provide the resources. See the Build Your Idea page to get started.

Student’s Idea

Working with mentors allows students to spend time on personal ideas. Resources will come from SlicTec and those who wish to support their ideas. Visit the Concept List page to support student ideas.

Mentor’s Idea

While mentoring at Slictec, professionals can guide students through the creation process of their own ideas. The needed resources for these ideas can come from the mentor themselves or by advertising for support on the Concept List page.

By supporting the creation of ideas at SlicTec, you have the option to share in the success of those products.


 Explore Our Recent Work Below

Project Gallery

High Chaise Lounge Chair & Table (Finished Product)

High Chaise Lounge Chair & Table

(Finished Product)

Under Seat Tool Box(Finished Product)

Under Seat Tool Box

(Finished Product)

Smart Window Blinds Controller (Prototype)

Smart Window Blinds Controller


Finger Prosthetic(Finished Product)

Finger Prosthetic

(Finished Product)

L.E.A.F. Prosthetic Foot(Prototype)

L.E.A.F. Prosthetic Foot


High Speed Winch(Finished Product)

High Speed Winch

(Finished Product)


Funding & Support

Support making inspired ideas come to life. Click on the “Concept List” to browse new concepts and help fund an idea that interests you, or click on “Donate” to simply support turning ideas into products.


Be a part of SlicTec


Join the team as a mentor or student engineer.

Mentors help student engineers apply the knowledge they’re gaining in school by answering questions and providing guidance as good ideas are engineered into products. Mentors are experienced and qualified to use professional skills, while student engineers are hard working and ready to gain the experience that will carry them into their future careers.


About SlicTec.

SlicTec was created with two goals in mind: help student engineers show off their ability to create and provide an affordable engineering resource for individuals and small businesses. Why? Because we have ideas that need to be created and we know you do too!

Contact Us